Good Monday afternoon!
For many of us, our Mondays do not feel as if they have enough margin. We’re still recovering from the weekend and now the week is upon us and it’s time to be moving! Recently I have been meeting with a few men for prayer early on Monday morning, and that has helped put a little more margin into the week.
For those of you who don’t like to read long things I will put the short list of some things that I find helpful in the busy seasons of life first:
1. Pray with people.
2. Make lists of gratefulness and goals.
3. Remember: It’s not your life- you belong to Jesus.
4. Read. All kinds of things. Including this:
Beware of Your Mother’s Doilies
Now for those with a bit more time.
As we approach the busy Yuletide season I wanted to take a moment to encourage all of us to take time to breathe and chart our course in order to navigate all of the relationships and events that are already on our calendar. Christmas is fast approaching and just on the other side January is coming. If you’re like me there are still quite a few things left over from the past year, and December is beginning to look less promising as a month to finish spare projects. Whether you’re concerned about too many events, relationships, or unfinished business from the past year, here are a few things that you may find helpful:
1. Find someone to pray with. Take a moment to seek out someone that will hear your heart, that will let you listen to their heart, and then pray for each other. It’s simple, but powerful. And somehow it adds a bit more space between all the things jumbling around your brain.
2. Write stuff down. When I get super busy I often become ungrateful, I don’t mean to, but I forget what God has already done. Make several lists: one for all the things you’re thankful for this past year, another for all the achievements and accomplishments of the year, a third for what you intended to do that you would still like to do sometime. Don’t worry about what your list looks like, just scribble stuff down. The process can help you get a wider perspective of what God is doing.
3. Stir up your calling. Sometimes the best way to add appropriate margin in your life is to remind yourself that you don’t belong to yourself. As the Apostle Paul says in Colossians, “You serve the Lord Christ.” Sometimes we forget why we are here, it is good to take time to think about our purpose as we interact with people and events. It is not about us. It is about Jesus. He may be asking you to get involved in something you’ve never done, or asking you to opt out of something you have always done. It’s His life, let Him live it.
4. Read. I find that reading books and blogs gives me a better perspective of what God is doing around the world. Recently, I have been encouraged in my mission by reading a monthly newsletter called Dispatches which frequently includes stories of other people preparing for their mission. One of the articles I recommend is
Beware of Your Mother’s Doilies by Rachel. I like the opening bit from The Hobbit, and I was encouraged by her 4th point (well, really all of it, but especially that one). Take time to read it.
May your faith be strengthened and may you be strong in the Lord this week! May the Lord bless you as you take the time to put space for thought and prayer into your life. Blessings!
-Pastor Joseph