Strengthen you marriage with a 2 1/2 day couple’s retreat!
One of the first places where the presence (or lack of presence) of the fruit of the Holy Spirit shows up is in our marriages. Marriages are one of the battlegrounds where Christians experience the attack of the world, the flesh, and the devil the most. In order to equip couples to excel and thrive in this area, Living Water Fellowship encourages couples to take time to provide vital maintenance for this relationship.
We have created a group with FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember to help couples save money while protecting and enhancing their marriage. We are encouraging couples to sign up for the Weekend to Remember in Colorado Springs at the Broadmoor on February 16th – 18th, 2018. You can use the group name: LWFMarriage to save $100 per couple for those dates- or any Weekend to Remember getaway in the USA.
Make the investment in your biggest asset!
-Pastor Joseph for Living Water Fellowship
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Use our group code to receive a $100 discount per couple: LWFMarriage